Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Seasons Greetings 2023 #3

So, this is the third (and final for this year) diversionary post. Just a few more pics of things other than the memorials to our brothers and sisters lost in 'Nam. As stated before I think it is healthy to take a break and just perhaps concentrate on things of beauty, if only for a short time.

We think of the desert as a mostly barren and desolate place. Inhabited mostly by creepy crawlies, sand and cacti. While this is true, it is also true that each of the above photos was taken in the desert of the American southwest, mostly Arizona. the last picture is of a Barrel Cacti in bloom. Most Cacti bloom at some time of the year and they are all quite beautiful.

Next time, on the 7th, we will return to honoring our lost and missing comrades. Join me in Wisconsin, as always at 9:00 am.

To see Vietnam memorials in any state, please click on a state name on the left side of this page.

And, Happy New Year to you all!!

I will ask, as I do at the end of nearly every post now, for anyone who has pictures of Vietnam memorials not seen here to please send them to me. I will give you full photo credit for the pic and any information about it you may know. Check your state, or anywhere you may have visited, from the list at the left, or any place else. Please send them to the email at the left or directly to me at Ldddad@comcast.net. Thanks.

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