Wednesday, January 17, 2024

California XLIV

I have been reading about the Living Memorial Sculpture Garden in Weed, California for quite a few years and dreaming of visiting to see all that is there there.

The problem is that Weed is not really close to anywhere. I have made numerous inquiries about how to get there but they all present a number of problems: its distance, the cost to fly, and at one point wild fires in the area. Anyway, I haven't gotten there.

So, imagine my delight when I heard that Molly Macdonald, a fairly frequent contributor here, was going to be in the area.

I asked her if she visited to forward some pics to me.

She very kindly did. So, today I want to share just a couple of them with you and over time several more.

The Garden honors many from Korea and Vietnam and more generally war itself. and unsurprisingly, I will focus on Vietnam.

The Garden rests about 13 miles from Weed, very neat Mt. Shasta

I have read that this wall of names was added sometime after the Garden opened in 1988.

LTC. Cozzalio is one of the founders of the Garden.

As I correspond with Molly, I hope to include many more photos from this astounding site and I hope to actually visit myself at some point, but as I said above, it is many miles from a major airport: 349 from Portland, 611 from L.A., 284 from San Francisco...

Next time, on the 22nd, we will revisit Colorado, so meet me there as always at 9:00am.

To see additional memorials from California, or any other state, please click on a state name on the left side of this page.

Thank you, Molly, once again!

Molly is one of a number of you who have responded to my request for photos of memorials that you have seen, but I have not. 

So in that spirit I will ask again. Please send any memorials that you may have seen in your area or in your travels and I will gladly feature it here (and give you full credit!) There is a an email address on the left side of this page.

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