Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

Once called Decoration Day just after the Civil War, the day became Memorial Day, in the 1960s. It became official: after all the Civil War veterans were gone.

It was originally slated for the 30th of May as there were no actual battles fought on that day and it was a time of year when many flowers would be available to decorate the graves of the fallen.. As we know it was moved to the last Monday in May so as to provide a three day weekend. 

It is always a little odd for me as I am not sure just how I feel about that. I get the idea but it does seem that the original purpose, to honor our war dead has been usurped by the pool openings, cook outs and the "official state of summer."


There has been a more recent effort (2000) to get people to take a single minute, usually at 3 pm, to remember, Called "The National Moment of Remembrance."

Another interesting fact is that the flag is flown at half mast until noon on Memorial Day and then raised to its full height for the remainder of the day. This is the only day of the year that this happens.

It is always interesting to hear how people speak to each other on the most solemn of days. You actually hear some folks, certainly with good intent, says things like "happy memorial Day!" A more appropriate greeting might be along the lines of "Enjoy the holiday, but I will be remembering and honoring those who gave their all for our country."

I've also read that some folks like to say "thank you for your service " to veterans on this day, but I have read research that says that most vets do not like this and that what many hear is something along the lines of "I'm glad you went (to war), so that I didn't have to!"

So, as I say every year, have your cook outs, pool openings etc, but, please take that moment to remember those who cannot celebrate, but instead gave their lives for our country, over 600,000 from WWI onward. If you happen to be in DC this weekend, check out the 600,000 Poppy wall near the Vietnam memorial.

We will return to visiting Vietnam memorials after the "holiday." Join me in Arizona, as always at 9:00 am on June 1.

If you are following along at all, you will have seen that a number of you, like Joan from Wisconsin, Tony from Texas, Mike from Maryland, Ron and Molly from Florida have responded to my request to send me memorials you have seen in your area or where you may have traveled. These submissions help expand the knowledge of how we have remembered the men and women who served or were lost in 'Nam and you help to honor them. If you have any such photos, I would love to see them. Please send them along to the email at the left and I will gladly share them here. Thanks, once again, to all who have contributed.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wisconsin XIX

Once more on this trip to Wisconsin I will share a couple more photos, from Joan, of the traveling memorial to those lost in 'Nam. 

These heroes during this month of Memorial Day should serve to remind us all of the sacrifices made by the few who serve their country and the , fewer still, to whom we owe the greatest debt. 

To whom we owe our freedom.

Next time, on the 27th, we will honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice and to whose everlasting honor this site was created.

To see additional memorials from Wisconsin, or any other state, please click on a state name on the left side of this page.

If you are following along at all, you will have seen that a number of you, like Joan from Wisconsin, have responded to my request to send me memorials you have seen in your area or where you may have traveled. These submissions help expand the knowledge of how we have remembered the men and women who served or were lost in 'Nam and you help to honor them. If you have any such photos, I would love to see them. Please send them along to the email at the left and I will gladly share them here. Thanks, once again, to Joan.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

West Virginia XX

Morgantown, as I have mentioned before, has a number of their lost heroes honored at the local high school. Eighteen of Morgantown High School's classmates bracket a flagpole and "Wall" seen elsewhere on this site.

In Case it has slipped by unmentioned, West Virginia  has the highest percentage of loss per capita of any state.

Today, I will honor several more of the group whose tribute is featured on the school grounds.

These men among the others here and elsewhere deserve our respect and to be remembered for all time

Next tune, on the 21st, we will return to Wisconsin, so join me there, as always, at 9:00 am. to honor more from their traveling memorial.

To see other memorials from West Virginia, or any other state, please click on the state name on the left side of this page. 

If you are following along at all, you will have seen that a number of you have responded to my request to send me memorials you have seen in your area or where you may have traveled. These submissions help expand the knowledge of how we have remembered the men and women who served or were lost in 'Nam and you help to honor them. If you have any such photos, I would love to see them. Please send them along to the email at the left and I will gladly share them here.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Pennsylvania XLIV

We return to Reading today to see a few more of the numerous tributes found surrounding the main memorial, which you can see here.

Walking around the park like, wooded site you come upon any number of these smaller, often personal, stones and dedication plaques.


There are more of these surrounding the site, I will post others in the future.

Next time, on the 16th, we will check back in on West Virginia, so join me there, as usual, at 9:00 am.

To see additional memorials from Pennsylvania, or any other state, please click on a state name on the left side of this page. Please note that Canada, Ireland, and Puerto Rico have been added to the list. 

As is now my custom,  I will ask anyone who has pictures of Vietnam memorials not shown here, to send then to me and I will include them (giving you full credit.) Any number of you have added knowledge and honor to this site by doing just that. It is always appreciated and makes this effort better, more completed. Thanks to those who have contributed and to anyone who will do so now or in the future.

Monday, May 6, 2024

North Carolina XXIV

Last time in North Carolina, I shared some tributes from Broadway. As I reviewed the pictures from that site, I realized that there were any number of sets of names from Vietnam (as well as many other wars.)

While I still have no explanation for these seemingly random yet related groupings, I still want to honor as many of these brave souls as possible.

So, today, three more groupings found here.

I will, of course, continue to post from here and attempt to find the explanation for this unusual set of groupings and I will point out that while there are several more in this same format, there are others in totally different arrangements.

The above leads me to my often repeated request for info from you (in this case actually begging) if you know something please let me know. You can find me at the email listed on the left side of this page.

Next time, on the 11th, we will return to Pennsylvania. Meet me there, as always, at 9:00 am.

To see additional memorials from North Carolina, or any other state, please click on a state name on the left side of this page. Note, too that Canada, Ireland, and Puerto Rico have been added to the list.

As is now my custom,  I will ask anyone who has pictures of Vietnam memorials not shown here, to send then to me and I will include them (giving you full credit.) Any number of you have added knowledge and honor to this site by doing just that. It is always appreciated and makes this effort better, more completed. Thanks to those who have contributed and to anyone who will do so now or in the future.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

New Mexico XXVIII

In my last post from New Mexico I promised to share the other memorial site from Lordsburg.

I was absolutely amazed to find such a large and inclusive site in such a small town. Lordsburg has a population of a little over 2,200 in 2022.

There is just so much here that it will take several postings to cover it all. I will certainly continue this particular series over time.

As an aside, I have found very little information about when this remarkable memorial was built or the story behind it. I invite you to enlighten me if you can, Many of you have been helpful in the past so i will hope to hear from someone.

The Memorial Park lies just off I-10 on the corner of E. 4th Street and Main Streets. Lordsburg is about 4 and a half hours west of Albuquerque and 2 and half hours east of Tucson, Check it out, it is well worth the visit.

Next time, on the 6th, we will head back to North Carolina, so meet me there, as always, at 9:00 am.

To see additional memorials from New Mexico, or any other state, please click a state name on the left side of this page. Please note that  Canada, Ireland, and Puerto Rico have been added to the list.

As is now my custom,  I will ask anyone who has pictures of Vietnam memorials not shown here, to send then to me and I will include them (giving you full credit.) Any number of you have added knowledge and honor to this site by doing just that. It is always appreciated and makes this effort better, more completed. Thanks to those who have contributed and to anyone who will do so now or in the future.