Wednesday, July 1, 2020

New York XXII

I have written about Eisenhower Park, on Long Island, in the past and while going through some pictures I found a few odds and ends that I thought I might post.

As I have mentioned previously this park is really quite spectacular and if you ever have the opportunity be sure to visit.

Every once in a while I find a memorial to those lost to Agent Orange. I once heard of a movement to get a National Memorial built to AO on The Mall in DC., but it seems to have become part of VVMF's In Memory Project which honors all who have died from any related cause since the end of the war. So, finding one specific to these terrible plague is always meaningful. 

A tribute to a Medal of Honor recipient, apparently from the area.

A loving, lasting memory. If this site is like others around the country these tributes are collected each day, so this one may have just been left.

And, finally, as I always say, I love when our hero dogs are remembered. I don't know why but it seems to humanize the war just a little for me.

Next time, a little early, on the fourth, I hope to have something up. Check back at 9:00am to see if I got it done!

To see other memorials from New York, or any other state, please click on the state name on the left side of this page.

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