Monday, April 4, 2022

New Jersey XXXI

The memorial in Homdel, New Jersey is one of the very first that I ever visited. It was July of 2009, so, very early in this project.

It surprises me a little that it has taken this long to post the faces, but glad, during this drought of travel and new memorials, to have come upon them.

The faces are of a fallen soldier, his buddy, and a nurse tending to him. You can see a full photo of the memorial here.

The pictures, as always, fascinate me, the ability of the artist to capture the feelings  in the faces is remarkable and, so often, heartrending.

No less the case here. 

The nurse's calm concern is evident and one must wonder about all that she has seen. A reminder that 8 nurses are listed and honored on The Wall, but thousands more carry the weight of their service to those of us who were aided by them. I don't think they get nearly enough credit of thanks.

The friend: concern and compassion for his buddy evident, mixed perhaps with some resignation.

The warrior, his pain and fear are palpable, his future, unknown.

I have posted something similar to this post previously, but was not focusing upon the faces, so today, I hope I honor them.

Next time, on the 9th, we will return to New Mexico, so meet me there at 9:00am.

To see additional memorials from New Jersey, or any other state, please click on the state name on the left side of this page.

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