Saturday, August 8, 2020

Arizona XXVII

Today I will take you into the Faces of Remembrance subgroup of this effort.

The Arizona memorial sits in Wesley Bolin Park opposite the Capitol building in Phoenix. The park is just filled with memorials to many people and efforts. I have spoken before of my encounters within the park and you can find those posts elsewhere on this site. For those who may be new to this site, if you click on a state name on the left side of this page all the posts about that state will appear from the most recent to the oldest.

The site depicting brothers aiding brothers, also, list the hundreds of names of those who served and a tableau telling the history of the conflict.

Seen on the right is just one of ten panels listing names.

As always, the eyes tell the story.

The faces are forever here, telling the story, our story, for any who wish to hear or know.

I've heard it said that 'Nam vets can always pick each other out of a crowd: there must be a connection between these things, the eyes and the recognition even these many years later.

Next time, on the 13th, we will return to California, so meet me there at 9:00am.

To see other memorials from Arizona, or any other state, please click the state name on the let side of this page.

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