Saturday, April 14, 2018

Pennsylvania XXII

On a dreary wet day, Steve and I were driving around Pennsylvania. For reasons I cannot now recall we stopped at the Altoona, James E Van Zandt Veterans Medical Center and were surprised to find a replica of The Wall.

 The half sized Wall That Heals was purchased after it visited Altoona in 1999. As so often happens after it stood for four days and was visited by thousands of people, the people wanted something permanent. This particular Wall was about to be retired so they asked to buy it. They raised $50,000 in just 38 days.

Exactly one year after its visit, it stood in its permanent new home.

A Flag Avenue that was added was in full fly the day we visited, even though everything was quite wet.

I read three different accounts of this story and they all agree except on one thing: How many are listed. One account says 58,202, the next says 58, 209 and the third says 58, 2014. I don't know which is correct or if this means it is periodically updated. The current correct number is 58,318 and it is possible that more may be added (to the Wall in DC) this May (2018) as any new names are each May. It always makes me wonder who will be the last name added, to quote Springsteen,"who will be the last to die?"

 A lone remembrance on this day for someone loved and lost.

I read that there was to be a Visitors Center and a Museum about the war, but they were not evident the day I was there. I am trying to find out if they were ever built.

The VA Medical Center is located at 2907 Pleasant Valley Blvd.

Next time, on the 19th, we will return to Tennessee, so meet me there at 9:00am.

To see additional memorials in Pennsylvania, or any other state, click the state name on the left side of this page

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