Friday, August 20, 2010

Indiana II

We drove to Muncie and found a economically depressed, yet, wonderfully patriotic town. We met with the fellow whose job it is to care for the memorial. He, also, has the enviable (I think) job of checking all the flags that fly in town, on a regular basis. I think he said weekly and if any are worn or fading or in any way deteriorating, he replaces them. He did explain that they have everyday flags and special, better ones for events. He told us they have a ceremony at the site on Memorial and other special days and that they were getting ready for Memorial day, which was just a few days away.

The memorial sits in a public park and I think it is quite impressive. It sits in Heekin Park, on Madison between E.9th and E.12th Streets. It's is situated somewhat behind a beautiful old building that was once a Library. The town is considering how to utilize the now vacant space. It is quite a building and I hope they find a good use for it.

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