Friday, June 23, 2023

Arizona XXXIII

For many years Eloy has been nothing more than a name on a sign as I headed from Tucson to Phoenix and beyond. Now, it has become dear to me.

I read somewhere that they had some kind of a memorial there and on a recent trip, I decided to check it out.

I drove into the outskirts of the town off the highway and it seemed to be a quiet, hot, a bit dusty small town. I found the Vet center almost immediately and was just astounded by what they have done.

For the umpteenth time on this site I will celebrate what so many small towns do for their vets.

This beautiful, open, plaza like area is entirely dedicated to vets. The side of the building you can see on the left is the Vet Center. The guys in the center were great. We spent quite some time talking about the memorial park and the cooperation between the town and the center to get this built.

These pillars list the name sof many who were lost, but without designations as to which war, branch of service of date of loss: just honoring the names of those who gave all.

It always interest me when I find the "homemade" along with what I call, without prejudice or and negativity, "corporate" reminders of the price so many have apid. I love them all.

There is so much more here and I promise to return at a later date with additional photos from here and a more intimate setting I would have never known about if the guys here had not shared it with me.

For a town of under 16,000, Eloy has done a remarkable and touching job of honoring and remembering her veterans.

Eloy is about 50 miles up US 10 from Tucson.

An interesting side note I ran across is that the name Eloy comes from an abbreviation from the railroads. It stands for East Line of Yuma. As the building project creating the east line progressed it became easier to write Eloy than spelling out the entire name. The name first appeared on a railroad map in 1909.

Next time, on the 28th, we will take another trip to Arkansas, so meet me there, as usual, at 9:00am.

To see additional memorials from Arizona, or any other state, please click on the state name on the left side of this page. 

I will ask, as I do at the end of nearly every post now, for anyone who has pictures of Vietnam memorials not seen here to please send them to me. I will give you full photo credit for the pic and any information about it you may know. Check your state, or anywhere you may have visited, from the list at the left, or any place else. Please send them to the email at the left or directly to me at Thanks.

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