Friday, October 26, 2018

Pennsylvania XXIV

Greencastle-Antrim placed this memorial honoring the service and sacrifice of 121 of its citizens dating back to the Revolutionary War on November 11, 2008.

Someone with a $2.00 can of spray paint did $10,000 worth of damage to it at a later date.

The memorial consists of several panels, two of which were damaged. These had to be removed and shipped to Ohio for repair.

The side honoring more recent events, including Vietnam, was not damaged and remains on display.

The newly repaired section of the memorial will be rededicated on November 11th, 2018.

The memorial sits at the Greencastle Borough Hall on N. Washington Street.

Next time, on the 31st, we will return to Virginia, so meet me there at 9:00am.

To see additional memorials from Pennsylvania, or any other state, please click on the state name on the left side of this page.

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