Sunday, October 14, 2012

Arkansas III

Located just a short walk from the Vietnam memorial there is a small copse of trees. These trees give shade and protection to a memorial to the several Medal Of Honor awardees from Arkansas. One of these is from the Vietnam war.

Nick D. Bacon was born in Arkansas but was moved with his family to Arizona. After his distinguished military  career, he returned to Arkansas where, as in Arizona, he served in many admirable positions. He served his country in ways too numerous to mention here. When he passed in 2008 he was the last living Medal Of Honor awardee in Arkansas.

You should take a moment to visit the URL below where you may read about all the contributions Mr. Bacon made to his country. A true hero deserving of a moment of your time.

Interestingly, I wrote my first post 3 years ago today. At the time, I had not a notion about where this journey would take me or if I would ever complete it. In fact, I remember thinking that this might be too big a project and that I might never get it done. And here we are; I have written a couple of hundred posts, visited all 50 states, many more than once and continue to seek out new sites to visit, honor, and photograph. I have met countless great people, heard many many stories and had numerous adventures along the way. If you know of any Vietnam memorial sites, large or small, I would love to hear from you. You can leave a comment or there is an email listed on the side of the site that is private.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    Yours has been an amazing journey, I've been privileged to witness.

