Sunday, May 14, 2017

Washington X

Directly across the parking lot from the WWI memorial, an exact, life sized, replica of Stonehenge, is this multi-war memorial to those from the Maryhill area lost in several wars. (You can find more on that memorial by clicking on Washington and scrolling back a bit.)

This memorial, too, stands high above the Columbia River and is guarded by the wind turbines higher on the hill.

Several names are listed here from the area.

As is so often the case, people have left things behind: coins, candy, parts of plants, a book, perhaps a favorite. One wonders what each of these gifts meant to the person that left it or to the person it was left for?

Our next stop will be West Virginia, so join me there at 9:00am on the 19th.

To see other memorials from Washington, or any other state, click the state name on the left side of this page.

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