Friday, August 23, 2013

Hawai'i VI

I want to close out this visit to Hawai'i with a few more pics from the dedication of the nation's newest Vietnam memorial. (You can check out the original posts by clicking on Hawai'i, to the left in the list of states)

This first picture of the flags was taken on my first visit to this site, months before the new memorial was built. The flags stand just to the right of where the new memorial was placed. This shot is from inside the older WWII/Korea portion of the memorial. That is downtown Honolulu in the distance, so you can tell that this area is quite elevated.

Below are a couple of pics taken by, and given to me, by Bob Armbruster. Bob is the guy who took Mary Jacobs' vision and turned it into physical reality.

Eagle wing detail
Artist Mary Jacobs and Bob Armbruster at the dedication of the memorial.

It is not often that I get the opportunity to speak to the people who actually create memorials. It has happened a couple of times and is always something very special. Bob told me at the dedication that he had been really worried about trying to create these new images in such a way that they reflected the older battle maps appropriately, the way Mary had designed them to be. This work shows that he and his team nailed it! Thanks Mary for your vision and Bob for the effort and the pics!

Next time, I will be posting additional sites from around the nation. I have many from some states that I have only recently photographed. I am guessing that they may be 100 more to post and hopefully, by the time I get them posted I will have found more! Currently, I have trips planned back to Washington, New York, Nevada, and New Mexico. I am certain that more sites will become known to me and I will make every effort to visit and honor them.

So, on the 28th at 9:00am, check in to see one from near Huntsville, Alabama

1 comment:

  1. So cool that you got to meet the artists! I love the flag picture with Honolulu in the background.
