Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Michigan XV

The very first pictures I ever took in Michigan were in Monroe's Heck Park. 

There is just so much there that I can keep coming back to it for something new to post. You can see some of those past posts here and here.

A few more of the features follow.

Pics like this always make me think vets were actually involved in the design of a memorial.

I  have posted this one before, but as we are just past celebrating our independence, I thought I would make one more reminder of what it takes to maintain it.

These numbers have not been updated, as far as I know, since I visited some years ago. It is safe to say that they have increased by at least 10,000 since the Vietnam war.

To see additional memorials from Michigan, or any other state, please click on a state name on the left side of this page. Please note that Canada, Ireland, and Puerto Rico have been added to the list.

Next time, on the 14th, we will venture back to Minnesota, so meet me there, as always, at 9:00 am.

If you are following along at all, you will have seen that a  number of you, like Joan from Wisconsin, Tony from Texas, Mike from Maryland, Ron, and Molly from Florida have responded to my request to send me memorials you have seen in your area or where you may have traveled. I even got one from Ireland! These submissions help expand the knowledge of how we have remembered the men and women who served or were lost in 'Nam and you help to honor them. If you have any such photos, I would love to see them. Please send them along to the email at the left and I will gladly share them here. Thanks, once again, to all who have contributed.

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