Thursday, November 16, 2017

Alabama VII

One of the very first trips I ever made on this journey was to Alabama. It was back in February of 2010 and I had no idea that I might return sometime or that this project would continue all these years later.

I had read over the years about the Alabama Vietnam Memorial in Anniston and determined that some day I would get there.
The white cross you see in this pic is a reflection of a simple 911 memorial just opposite this one.

Anniston is not too very far from Atlanta, Georgia, so, recently my buddy, Steve, and I headed out to see it and any others we might find along the way.

Located at 17th and Quintard the park includes several memorials and honors all lost in Vietnam and the other 20th century engagements and remembrances for First Responders. The number of 'Nam guys listed here is 1205, but, varies from 1205 to 1213 to 1224 depending upon where you look. The Virtual Wall ( lists 1224.

The Wall is made of Zimbabwe black granite and is fronted by a reflecting pool shaped like the state.

The arches that grace the whole park were once part of the old Anniston High School and were moved here to become part of the project.

This dedication is among the history and poetry provided here.

Next time, on the 21st, I will tell you the story of the Morenci 9 and show you the monument to them. So, join me then, as always, at 9:00am.

To see additional memorials from Alabama, or any other state, click on the state name on the left side of this page.

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