Like so many small towns, North Bend created a memorial to all from the area who have served or were lost in any of our wars.
This beautiful little park sits on the corner of Main Street and 9th on land donated by an Omaha couple.
North Bend lies 50 miles north of Lincoln and 50 miles west of Omaha. It is a small, mostly agricultural, town of about 1200 citizens.
While many are remembered here, the latest addition to the park is this soldier kneeling, remembering, honoring, grieving at a Field Cross; marking the spot where a comrade died.The statue is based upon a previous placement, elsewhere, of a WWII soldier seeking his lost friends, but he represents us all. Here, he reaches for the dog tags of his lost friend.
Found here, too, is a tribute to all those who were lost.
There are no long lists of names here. Many are remembered with bricks purchased by loved ones. I could not determine a difference between bricks honoring service or the ultimate sacrifice.
Finally, POW/MIAs are remembered. I have written before about how this design was created by the wife of a Vietnam POW. It come to be universal and that is as it should be, but to me, it will always be Vietnam.
So, while not specifically a tribute to Vietnam, we are indeed remembered and this, too, is as it should be.
Next time, on March 2nd, we will revisit Nevada, so meet me there, as always, at 9:00am.
To see other memorials in Nebraska, or any other state, click the state name on the left side of this page.