Monday, February 10, 2025

Important info for vets

UPDATE: somehow I posted this improperly. It was supposed to go up on the 8th but I messed up. So, here it is.

I am running a little behind today but this is important. 

I have never posted anything but memorial sites and some holiday diversions on this site. It has always been a place where vets and other interested people could come simply for information about Vietnam memorials and the honor we pay those who served and those who were lost. 

Today, I feel a need, more accurately an obligation, to share more startling and important info.

I have bent over backwards to keep my personal views out of this site, i.e. to keep it apolitical. 

This is just too important to ignore. 

It doesn't matter what your politics are, if you are a veteran or care about a vet, take a few moments to hear what this guy has to say. I have not independently verified every claim he makes, but what I have seen certainly indicates that he is right on target. As we have seen, the details seem to change every few moments. I have relatives who work for the Fed and get two or three emails a day changing what the last email stated as fact. So, as I write this, the details could be changing. 

The fact is veterans were made certain promises and it seems that those promises may be worthless. So much for "Rah rah, we love vets."

I promise to get back to my memorial posts next time, on the 15th, check out North Carolina at 9:00 a.m.

To see Vietnam memorials from any state plus Canada, Ireland, and Puerto Rico click on the individual names on the left side of this page.

If you are following along at all, you will have seen that a number of you, like Joan from Wisconsin, Tony from Texas, Mike from Maryland, Ron from Florida, Tim from Virginia and Molly from Florida, Colleen from Pennsylvania, and Elli from Maryland, among others, have responded to my request to send me memorials you have seen in your area or where you may have traveled. I even got one from Ireland! These submissions help expand the knowledge of how we have remembered the men and women who served or were lost in 'Nam and you help to honor them. If you have any such photos, I would love to see them. Please send them along to the email at the left and I will gladly share them here. Thanks, once again, to all who have contributed.

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