Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Missouri VII

The Court of Honor

The Soldiers Memorial Military Museum

St. Louis, the last stop in Missouri, as all vets know, is the home to the military records center as well as other important military sites and activity. It is no surprise, then, that with all this heavy military presence that the city should boast The Soldiers Memorial Military Museum. The museum has been open for decades and is free to the public. It contains many exhibits and memorabilia, primarily from WWII. It is seen in the last photo here. It is located at 1315 Chestnut Street.

Directly in front of the museum is The Court of Honor. Here are commemorated the many from the St. Louis area who have served and given their all. The most recent addition is dedicated to the 214 from the area that made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.

It was here, in the court that I chanced to meet the director of the museum and that encounter led to my being interviewed by a local radio station, a first for me. I will jump at any means to get the word out about this site,  A Means To Heal, to spread the word to vets and anyone else that might be interested. If you would like to listen in to that interview, it is archived by the radio station (KDHX) here;

Next, we will slip over the river into Illinois. The state memorial is at Springfield and that is where we will begin. See you on the 7th at 9:00am.

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